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We know the pressures brought on by quarantine, and fear of the COVID-19 pandemic can be challenging to manage.
You are not alone. Many people are experiencing the same dynamics you are.  Schedule an online therapy session today.

Therapy in Davie, FL can add tools to your tool belt. 


There's a chance that you never thought you would be here. You've searched "where to start therapy in Davie, FL" more times than you can count. You've almost gone through with it many times. But, each time, you second guess it. But, you've finally gotten here. Regardless of how long your journey was to find us, we're happy you're here. At CMC Therapy, we understand that one of the biggest decisions you can make for yourself is to invest in your own well-being. What's more, we know that it's a hard decision to make, too. 


But, let's not forget about the stigma against therapy.


There's a stigma about getting help. And, unfortunately, it's not always positive. We live in a society where the message is constantly “what can you do for others?” While we honor the “giver” in you, we understand that you can’t pour from an empty cup.


The Clinicians at CMC Therapy help you explore the relationship you have with yourself and the goals you want to achieve. 

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So, what is “individual therapy”? 

Individual therapy is a fancy word for counseling that's for one person. Individual therapy has many names, including counseling, psychotherapy, and talk therapy. Or, most commonly, it's referred to as 'counseling.' Overall, counseling is the collective process between a counselor and a person in therapy. Therapy looks different for each person. At CMC, we believe that therapy is a journey. There is not a predetermined path you're supposed to take. In addition, each person starts therapy in Davie, FL for different reasons. And, want to accomplish different goals depending on their situation. Common goals of therapy are to inspire change, cultivate growth, and bring forth improvement of overall quality of life. 

Why go to therapy in Davie, FL?

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Life is not easy. Life is full of trials and tribulations. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. Obstacles are a common theme of what humans experience. These experiences can exhaust us. At times, it can feel like you're not able to handle what life throws at you. But, you're not alone. Overcoming these obstacles with a professional can help make the process more manageable. Starting therapy in Davie, FL can increase positive feelings.  This can include a deeper sense of compassion and self-esteem for yourself. Your counselors will also aid in helping you develop skills for handling challenging situations. And, for formatting a healthy decision-making process. Many find the process of counseling to be an enjoyable experience. Often, they view it as a journey to becoming more self-aware. And, many keep it a part of their lifestyle for continuous self-growth. 

When is the best time to seek therapy?

Anytime. A common belief is that you have to be in distress in order to go to therapy. However, as we have already outlined, it can be utilized to develop a better sense of self. Nevertheless, most individuals go to therapy. Especially when an issue they are being faced with is causing discomfort and is interfering with daily life. This type of anguish can look like a lot of things. It can be described as negative thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. Often, even to the extent of bodily sensations like exhaustion or pain. You do not have to wait till you are in a “crisis” to start counseling. Individual therapy in Davie, FL can also be utilized for career and school challenges or exploration. In addition, counseling can help with substance abuse issues such as addiction. Or, if you feel like you may hurt yourself or someone else. 

It’s common for people to avoid counseling for the following reasons:


However, statistics from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) illustrate the following: 


  • 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year

  • 1 in 25 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year

  • 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year

  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24

  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34  


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Therapists are trained professionals who support and maintain confidentiality. CMC Therapists understand the discomfort that can come from therapy. Our counselors are here to create a safe, non-judgmental, space for painful and embarrassing issues.

What can individual therapy do for you?

Counseling can help you to work towards treating mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral challenges. Issues that may be discussed in therapy include, but are not limited to: 

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What to expect during therapy in Davie, FL

The first session of therapy often focuses on gathering information. Our counselor speaks with the person in treatment about their past physical, mental, and emotional health. Essentially, we want to get to know your situation. They also discuss the concerns bringing the person to counseling. It can take a few sessions for a counselor to have a good understanding of the situation. Only then can they address concerns and determine the best course of action.


Your say in the therapy process matters, too 


In therapy, you can also use their first session to decide if the therapist’s style is a good fit for their needs. Finding a therapist you are comfortable with is vital to successful treatment. It is important to talk about the type of counseling to be used, treatment goals, session length, and how many sessions are needed.


Many therapistss encourage people in treatment to do most of the talking. At first, it may be hard to talk about past experiences or current concerns. For some, life after a loss takes a toll. Sometimes, even things that have happened in our family history. Sessions may stir up intense emotions. It is possible to become upset, angry, or sad during therapy. However, therapists can help people build confidence and become more comfortable as sessions progress. 


We want to help you grow outside of our therapy sessions 


Therapists might assign “homework” to help the people in their care build on topics discussed in therapy. Individuals in therapy can also ask questions at any point in the process. As time passes, people in counseling may develop a more positive mood. You'll notice that your bad days start to feel less dark. In addition, you'll start to feel a change in the way that you think. At times, you might even start to extend kindness to yourself in the same way that you give it to others. What's more, you'll see an improvement in healthier thinking patterns.


People in therapy can expect confidentiality during therapy sessions. But, a therapist may break confidentiality if someone is in immediate danger of harming themselves or others. Therapists may also do this if required by federal or state law. Many therapists explain the limits of confidentiality and provide written guidelines during the first therapy session.

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Begin Therapy in Davie, FL

Starting therapy in Davie, FL with CMC Therapy can help you on your road to happiness. Our team of counselors are ready to work with you. Whether you're able to come to our counseling office in Davie or participate in online therapy from somewhere else in Florida, our therapists are here to help. When you're ready to begin your journey, follow these steps:

1. Reach out to us

2. Get to know our team of counselors.

3. Basque in self-compassion and growth. 

Other Counseling

Services in


At CMC, our therapists are ready to help you with a variety of situations. We offer individual therapy for issues like fear and anxiety and depression. In addition, we offer trauma therapy and therapy for generational trauma. We also offer couples counseling, counseling for young adults, and family therapy. Both are available in-person at our Southwest Ranches clinic or online via a secured, HIPAA-compliant video call.

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