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Anxiety is the body's alarm system. It serves to let us know there is danger present. Anxiety prepares the body in defense of that danger which creates a ripple effect of physiological responses like uneasiness, distress, or dread. When anxiety takes over, however, it can bring a variety of debilitating issues. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal part of everyday life. It is the body's natural response system that helpss us to navigate real or perceived danger. You might feel anxious when facing a problem at work, making an important decision, or addressing something that makes you uncomfortable, among other situations. 


The relationship you have with your anxiety is crucial. When we make anxiety the villain of our story and fail to understand why this feeling is "visiting us" and what it tries to tell us. It also may increase the feelings of worry, restlessness, and uneasiness. 


Anxiety symptoms include:


  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge

  • Being easily fatigued

  • Having difficulty concentrating; mind going blank

  • Being irritable

  • Having muscle tension

  • Difficulty controlling feelings of worry

  • Having sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, or unsatisfying sleep

To learn more about other common symptoms of anxiety, check out this helpful article. 

A woman closes her eyes looking overwhelmed. She is looking forward to starting anxiety counseling in Davie, FL. she is looking forward to beginning CBT therapy in Davie, FL.

How can therapy help with anxiety?

Anxiety therapy can help you uncover the underlying causes of your worry and fears. A therapist can teach you how to relax, look at the issue from a new perspective, and develop better coping and problem-solving skills. At CMC Therapy, all of our anxiety therapists have spent years learning and training to best understand how to help you manage anxiety better. You don't have to let anxiety control your life, start anxiety counseling today!

A man is on his laptop looking stressed. He is looking forward to starting anxiety counseling in Davie, FL with CMC Therapy. He is looking forward to starting CBT therapy in Davie, FL.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders: Anxiety disorders are characterized by the experience of excessive fear and worry which can have negative behavioral and emotional consequences. With the help of an anxiety therapist, you can better understand the types of thoughts and feelings you are having and work to make a plan on how to navigate through them.



Obsessive-compulsive related disorders: Obsessive-compulsive related disorders are characterized by obsessive, intrusive thoughts such as constantly worrying or hyper-focusing on something specific. These behaviors are performed to alleviate the anxiety associated with obsessive thoughts and triggers.



Trauma-related disorders: Trauma-related anxiety disorders are can arise as a result of a traumatic experience. This life-altering experience can cause prolonged and sustained anxiety about feelings related to safety and security.

In-person or Online Anxiety Therapy can help you learn how to manage your anxiety!

We have helped countless individuals feel better and regain control of their own lives. We know that dealing with persistent or sustained anxiety can be exhausting. And, it can have a physical effect on our health. At CMC Therapy, we offer several types of styles or anxiety therapy that can help you form a new relationship with your anxiety. We don't want this feeling to go away completely, as it has a specific job to do that keeps us safe. We help you find a way to work with you anxiety and learn helpful ways to manage it, so that it doesn't control your life.

Our Approach to Anxiety Counseling

CMC Anxiety Therapists are trained in a variety of therapies that can help you navigate through your anxiety. It can be hard to know if the worries and racing-heart you experience at the thought of, say, a work meeting, is run-of-the-mill stress, or if you're actually experiencing anxiety and could benefit from seeing an anxiety therapist.


Our anxiety therapists can help you unpack what you're feeling so that you can learn and work to better manage your anxiety symptoms. We commonly use CBT therapy (cognitive behavioral therapy) in anxiety counseling. Through anxiety counseling, you can learn to get back in the driver's seat of your life and take this journey of healing.

Finding a Trusted Anxiety Therapist in Davie, FL

You don't have to live at the mercy of anxiety and the symptoms and consequences it produces in your life.


Anxiety counseling can help you better understand, cope, and manage emotions associated with persistent anxiety. 


Our Davie, FL counseling clinic has trained and caring anxiety therapists who specialize in anxiety counseling. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple

1. Fill this form so we can get an idea of what's going on.

2. Meet with one of our anxiety therapists.

3. Start healing and creating a better life for yourself!

A couple looks at each other smiling. They are happy they started anxiety therapy in Davie, FL with CMC Therapy. They have enjoyed receiving CBT therapy in Davie, FL.

Other Counseling

Services in


At CMC, our therapists are ready to help you with a variety of situations. We offer individual therapy for issues like fear and anxiety and depression. In addition, we offer trauma therapy and therapy for generational trauma. We also offer couples counseling, counseling for young adults, and family therapy. Both are available in-person at our Southwest Ranches clinic or online via a secured, HIPAA-compliant video call.

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