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Teens have had to face incredible challenges this year. Aside from the more common difficulties that becoming a teenager brings, adolescents have had to face major structural changes due to covid. The pressure of having to adapt and learn to navigate these new rules can leave teens feeling overwhelmed and distraught. If your teen is struggling with their emotions and the challenges they've had to adapt to this year, teen therapy in Davie, FL can help.

Struggles of a Teenager

It feels as if teens these days are dealing with a mountain of challenges. First, they're having to adapt to changes in the education system. On top of that, they're learning to manage the growing pressure of social media. And, are navigating restrictions from socialization due to living through a pandemic. Of course, these are among some of the larger problems adolescents have had to face this year. 


But outside of having to manage this change, teens today still face the many challenges that come with becoming a teenager. Some common themes are teen counselors have seen when providing counseling for teens include:



 These are only a few of the topics we've seen time and time again in teen counseling. Our teen counselors know that each teen is unique and all have different experiences that can lead to them starting teen counseling in Davie, FL. 


Teen counseling, also referred to as Adolescent Therapy, helps to assess what difficulties your teen is facing. Our teen counselor's main concern is to make sure our adolescent clients are safe and okay. 


Our Teen Counselors Know That It's Not Always That Simple


It can be hard to admit that it's time to start teen counseling. But, there are certain problems that you may not be able to solve as a parent. Some issues require a professional that's certified to offer teen counseling and effective intervention.


Teen therapy in Davie, FL can help with behavior problems, emotional problems, mental health issues, substance abuse problems, stress, increased stress or fear, relationship difficulties, and traumatic experiences. 

Teenage Girls with Masks | online therapy for teens in florida | teen counseling in davie, fl | teen therapy in davie, fl | teen counseling in davie, fl | CMC therapy | online therapy in miami, fl

How can counseling for teens with a

CMC teen therapist help?

Teens can benefit from meeting with a teen therapist to talk to about a variety of topics. This can range from relationship issues to questions about sexual identity. We make recommendations where appropriate, so you can know how best to proceed in addressing your child’s or teen’s challenges. We also provide systemic, evidence-based therapies that are effective in treating these issues and many more. When providing counseling for teens in Davie, FL, our teen therapists will get to know your teen and determine how best to help them.  

Three teens in Davie, FL sitting together. They can get online counseling for teens in Florida with a skilled and caring teen counselor in miami, fl.

Signs it Might Be Time to Start Teen Counseling

If your teen is exhibiting these signs, start teen counseling in Davie, FL right away:

  • Signs of depression

  • Running away

  • Participating in illegal activities

  • Drug use

  • Failing school: If this is the only problem, tutoring is a start, but talk to the guidance office as well. If there are other problems and this is just a symptom, seek counseling for your teen.

  • Sexual acting out

  • Self-harm/cutting

  • Changes in friends or activities—especially if the friends are into drugs or other illicit activities.

  • Eating problems: Have you noticed your teen not eating, overeating, or has she shown signs of purging after a meal?

  • Inappropriate anger: Aiming angry feelings towards you or exhibiting violent behavior is cause for great concern.

  • Increasing defiance

  • Significant changes in mood or behavior

Our Approach to Teen Counseling

Our teen therapists help teens gain practical skills to learn to cope better with their stress and anxiety. In teen therapy, they will learn to change the negative thinking which has caused their anxiety. Their teen counselors will teach them specific techniques to shift their thinking patterns to be more rational, healthy, and positive.


At CMC, our teen therapists and counselors are here to help your teen through the difficulties that are in their way. Our teen counselors are able to provide a trusting, supportive environment to explore these difficulties. And find new ways of coping with the challenges of being a teenager. In our eyes, there is no problem that is too big or small for our help. 


Online Therapy for Teens in Florida


With online therapy for teens in Florida, we're able to help you anywhere you are in the state of Florida! Online therapy for teens allows us to offer you quality therapy services anywhere you are. Online therapy adds additional convenience that traditional therapy doesn't have. Plus, you won't have to worry about fighting rush hour. Or, feel limited by the services providers that are in your area. Whether you're in Fort Lauderdale, Destin, Tallahassee, or Jacksonville, starting online therapy for teens in Florida is a great option for you and your teen!

Begin Counseling for Teens in Davie, FL

It's understandable that your teen is having a tough time. However, you don't have to go through it alone. Our teen counselors in Davie, FL are here to help you and your teen navigate the issues they are dealing with. Although our Davie based counseling clinic is closed, we can help you anywhere in the state with online therapy. Teen counseling can help your teen better understand, cope, and manage emotions associated with the challenges faced in adolescence. 


Our Davie, FL counseling clinic has trained and caring teen therapists that have experience working with teens struggling with the same things your teen is struggling with. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple

1. Fill this form so we can better understand how we can help your teen.

2. Meet with one of our teen therapists.

3. Help your teen navigate the issues that are affecting them.

Student walking down the street with backpack. He can get online counseling for teens in florida with a skilled and caring teen counselor in miami, fl.

Other Counseling

Services in


At CMC, our therapists are here to offer you ample support and resources to help you get through the situations that are troubling you. Currently, our Davie based counseling clinic is closed. Instead, we are seeing our clients through online therapy. We offer individual therapy for issues like ADHDanxiety, and depression. We also offer trauma therapy and counseling for generational trauma. In addition, we marriage counseling, and family therapy.

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